Chapter 216 - Staff officers

The setting sun was as red as blood. Zhao Chen, Wang Shu and Yu Yunwen were standing on top of the city wall!

They had just gone to see those prisoners of war. Originally, those prisoners of war were extremely terrified, but with Zhao Chen's personal consolation, they slowly calmed down.

At that moment, a "white line" appeared below him!

When the white line appeared, the guards by Zhao Chen's side all became vigilant, the alarm already sounded, and countless of soldiers and guards rushed over!

"Don't be nervous! It's Yue Fei! " Zhao Chen suddenly said.

"AHH!" General Yue? " Wang Shu was shocked!

"Quick, open the gate!" Yu Yunwen said anxiously.

The moment the city gate was opened, the "white line" flashed past the gaps between the gates, and after a while, he had already appeared on the city wall, kneeling in front of Zhao Chen!

"General Yue Fei greets Your Majesty!" Yue Fei said excitedly.

"Big Brother Yue, you may rise!" Zhao Chen laughed.

"This lowly general has committed a great sin, I do not dare to get up!" Yue Fei clenched his teeth and said.

"What are you guilty of? You have done a great job defeating Valkyrie. I was just about to reward you! " Zhao Chen said.

"This lowly general did not expect that Conan's traitor and Female Genius would join hands, and in the end, Conan's traitor's army took over Tongguan, forcing His Majesty to have no choice but to retreat from Chang'an! When this lowly general brought all the Imperial Guards to the north and put His Majesty in danger, wasn't that a great sin? " Yue Fei said.

"This is not your fault. This is because we did not predict that the Emperor Kang would join forces with the true female! Besides, none of the civil and military ministers in the court could have predicted this! Hurry and get up! " Zhao Chen said.

He personally held Yue Fei's arms, and only then did Yue Fei stand up.

When Yue Fei stood up, he first looked at Zhao Chen carefully to make sure that nothing had happened to Zhao Chen before relaxing! However, his heart was filled with both excitement and guilt. His eyes were slightly wet. This was unavoidable!

"Your Majesty, where is the army of Conan's traitor?" Yue Fei asked again.

"They should still be in Chang'an right now! We have just heavily defeated the King Kang's army! " Zhao Chen laughed.

"Oh?" Yue Fei was a little surprised.

According to what Yue Fei knew, Zhao Chen did not have many soldiers and horses under his command, and only had five thousand Royal soldiers s. Furthermore, he had also heard from the soldier in Production and Construction Corps that they had defeated him.

"It's like this..." Zhao Chen laughed and started talking!

When Zhao Chen finished narrating his experiences these past few days, he stood there in a daze of shock and joy! After a long while, Yue Fei said: "Your majesty used troops like gods, I admire you!"

Zhao Chen said: "Using a weapon like a god does not dare, but you and I are still far from being able to do it! The reason I was able to defeat King Kang's army, was mainly because King Kang's army was really too weak! To be able to defeat an army of over a hundred thousand ladies, this is truly amazing! Right, what's going on with the army of a hundred thousand women? "

Yue Fei said: "This general knew that the Conan's traitor's army was advancing westward and was worried about your majesty. Your Majesty, please forgive me for not eliminating the truth! "

Zhao Chen laughed: "You are worried about me, so you have to return immediately! What do I blame you for? You are very loyal to me, and my heart is very grateful! "

At the moment, Yue Fei knew that Zhao Chen was fine, he was already filled with joy, and could not even speak!

"We are actually waiting for your return! In the morning, I had even told Wang Shu, Yu Yunwen and the others that I wanted to set up a new organization to gather and research intelligence and command the various armies. I wanted to make good use of all the resources within the army. "Since you're back, let's discuss this together!" Zhao Chen said.

"A new institution?" Yue Fei was startled.

"That's right!" He wanted to set up a new organization. The name of this organization was temporarily set up as the staff officer's headquarters! The Song Dynasty already has a staff officer position, it's just that staff officers are insignificant, from now on, this staff officer will be very different from before! Zhao Chen said.

The staff officer was an official position that appeared in the Tang Dynasty. When they reached the Song Dynasty, there would be staff officers for both envoys and guards, and there would also be staff officers in the Privy Council! The staff officer was just like his name – he was one of the officials who came up with a plan! However, in the ancient times, this staff officer wasn't highly regarded! Generals usually had their own aides, who were the ones who helped them with the plan!

As for the staff officer department, it was one of a kind in ancient China!

It was not until the sixteenth or seventeenth century that a general staff began to appear in Europe! After that, the General Staff rose to prominence in Germany and became the supreme command of the Germans! The Germans called it "the staff headquarters."

In Germany at that time, staff officers were mainly responsible for carrying out the orders and instructions of the German emperor, collecting and providing information, formulating and organizing strategic battle plans, mobilization plans, etc., directing and deploying the coordination of combat operations in various military, war, and various kinds of armed forces. The staff officers' department will also be responsible for drafting and organizing the implementation of the armed forces construction plan, as well as the organization and construction of the army, equipment planning and military training!

When the staff officer's headquarters appeared, it immediately displayed an extraordinary side. "In history, some commanders don't need advice from others, they can think things through on their own and make up their own minds that those around them are just doing what they want to do," said Mao Qi, the famous German chief of staff. With his extraordinary talent, he could achieve victory in this war. However, this kind of 'military genius' wouldn't appear for hundreds of years! "The headquarter can link the intelligence of countless people and replace the power of 'military geniuses'!" The Germans believed that no military genius in history could compare to a truly well-organized staff officer!

In the modern Germany, there were no talents like Napoleon or Cheng Jisihan, but the combat prowess of the German Army was invincible! Two world wars, almost all of which involved Germany challenging the whole world with the power of one nation. Although they had failed, the strength of the German army had become deeply ingrained in the people's hearts!

And the appearance of the General Staff was the official appearance of the modern army! Unlike the ancient army, where generals fought mostly by their own judgment, the modern army usually relied on staff officers like the General Staff, the Headquarters and other similar officers to direct the fighting. Not only did the state have staff, but the military also had staff!

It was also after this battle that Zhao Chen felt that his army had a huge flaw! He thought hard and finally remembered the fundamental difference between the ancient army and the modern army. That was why he decided to set up the staff officer headquarters!

"The staff officer's headquarters?" "What kind of organization is this?" Yue Fei said in shock.

"Let's talk about it later! "The soldiers of the Forbidden Army have returned!" Zhao Chen looked afar and said.

As the sun set in the west, countless soldiers of the Imperial Guard were heading in this direction!

The cavalry was at the front, while the infantry soldiers were all running towards Wu Gong County! They had not rested for six days and six nights as they travelled. They were already exhausted to the extreme, but at this moment, every single one of them had tears streaming down their faces.

They could already see the silhouette of the person on the wall. That person was wearing a dragon robe and was looking at the army with sparkling eyes!

"Your Majesty! It's his majesty! "

"That's great! Hurry, go a little faster, I want to see His Majesty as soon as possible! "

Every officer of the Forbidden Army was extremely excited! Those old veterans were the people who had followed Zhao Chen in training back then, and the new recruits were the young men who had paid respects to Zhao Chen back in the Middle Han Area! In their hearts, there was not even a speck of impurity that could be found on the surface of Zhao Chen's faithfulness!

"Your Majesty! "We pay our respects to Your Majesty!"

"We pay our respects to Your Majesty!"

Countless soldiers rushed to the front of the city wall and knelt down, tears streaming down their faces!

Seeing the soldiers in such a state, Zhao Chen's heart was also in turmoil. He got down from the city walls, walked out of the city gate, and arrived in the middle of the soldiers!

"Your Majesty, it's great that you're safe and sound!" A deputy general looked at Zhao Chen excitedly.

"Wang Ying, you're safe and sound, I am very happy too!" Zhao Chen laughed.

So the deputy general was Wang Ying!

Wang Ying looked like she was travel worn. His clothes were abnormally tattered, with dried blood all over his clothes, her hair was covered with dust, and there were many wounds on his face! However, Wang Ying was now just like Yue Fei just now, extremely excited!

"We pay our respects to Your Majesty!" Another person said.

This is Yang Zheng, Yang Zheng is also very excited at this moment!

Beside Yang Zheng was his brother Liang Hao, who was also staring intently at Zhao Chen, excited!

"Everyone is back! "That's great!" Zhao Chen laughed.

"Your Majesty, we were informed that you were in danger and we rushed back! Fortunately, you are fine! " Wang Ying said excitedly.

"I'm fine! We even defeated the army of the Conan's traitor! All of you must be exhausted from running all the way here and there. Let's enter the city to rest! I have already ordered the soldiers of the Production Hall's regiment to boil some water and cook for you! " Zhao Chen laughed.

The Imperial Guards were all excited, they were not willing to leave the place, and only when Zhao Chen entered the city did they enter with him!

Late that night, Zhao Chen, Wang Shu, Yue Fei, Kang An, Yu Yunwen and the others sat together and discussed the establishment of the staff officer headquarters!

Zhao Chen only had the concept of a general staff division in his mind. As for how to set it up, he still needed their help.

"Your Majesty, if the Privy Council and the army are useless now, won't we have to abolish the Privy Council and the army?" Wang Shu said.

"Privy Council should be abolished! When the Military Affairs Office was established, the role of the Privy Council was greatly reduced. After the staff headquarter was established, the Privy Council was no longer of any use! "As for the military, we can leave it to them to handle the recruitment in the future!" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, what about Curved End?" Wang Shu said.

"Let him come to the staff officer!" I will give him a position! He is an accomplished martial artist, and right now is the prime of his life. Zhao Chen said.

"But, the Lord Qu may not be willing to come!" Wang Shu said.

"I will personally persuade him!" Zhao Chen said.

They discussed all night, but only discussed a 'framework'! The matter regarding the staff officers headquarters was extremely important, and they needed to discuss it in detail. Zhao Chen even needed to consult Li Gang, Li Ruoshui, Wu Lin and the others!

"Your Majesty, our Imperial Guards have returned. Should we counterattack and take down Chang'an?" At the end, they only heard Yue Fei speak.

"Not now!" The army of the traitor of Chang'an City was extremely large, even if the entire Zhang Jia Jun was annihilated, they still had close to seven hundred thousand people! Furthermore, I heard that Qin Gui and Zong Ze are both there. The two of them are no small matter. Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, Qin Gui was previously a government official in the history of the Imperial Court, and is famous in the Imperial Court. Wang Shu said.

This Qin Gui was the most infamous treacherous official in all of China's history! And if one did not have the talent, it was impossible to obtain this title! Qin Gui was treacherous to the extreme, but he was also extremely intelligent to the extreme. This was why he was able to control the imperial government for more than twenty years, to the point where even Zhao Gou had no choice but to do things based on his expression! During the time he was prime minister, the Nvzhen invaded several times, but all of them were stopped! Of course, every time Song Army wanted to counterattack, Qin Gui would stop them as well! On one hand, because Qin Gui was a traitor, he might have a weak point in the hands of the Jin Army, and on the other hand, it would help maintain Qin Gui's position as a external threat. Therefore, Qin Gui was not willing to attack the real woman!

Thinking about Qin Gui's "big name", Zhao Chen revealed a faint smile on his face.

"For a period of time in the future, we will mainly be building up our staff, and we will also need some time to recuperate!" Spring had come, and the Production and Construction Corps was getting busier! In addition, although there are a large number of Imperial Guards, Tsinghua Army and Jingyuan Army, a large portion of them are new recruits that have not even been in the army for half a year, and these new recruits still need to be properly trained! "There is also the Sichuan problem, we must resolve it as soon as possible!" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, will the Emperor Kang and the women really attack us again?" Wang Shu said.

"They should not attack again! This time, whether it is the King Kang's army or the female army, both have suffered greatly, so the war will come to an end! " Zhao Chen said.

Yue Fei nodded his head, he agreed with Zhao Chen's words! After the battle, Emperor Kang and the Female Genius both suffered defeat. The morale of the army suffered a huge blow, so for the time being, they wouldn't head west again.

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